Tim Hoffmann
I am an associate professor for mathematics (W2) in the department of mathematics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) where I head the discrete differential geometry group. We focus on discrete models of objects from classical differential geometry; in particular curves and surfaces. Applications of this can be found in areas such as architectural geometry, integrable systems, mathematical physics, computer graphics and geometry processing.
I am a principal investigator at the DFG Collaborative Research Center Discretization in Geometry & Dynamics.
I obtained my PhD with Ulrich Pinkall at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), worked as a PostDoc at UMASS Amherst, TUB, and TUM, and was Professor for mathematics at Kyushu University, Japan.

I am a managing director at enigame GmbH where we design puzzles and tasks for social events, giveaways, team building, and escape games. Since 2019 we organize a community event twice a year -- also called enigame.

address: |
Prof. Dr. Tim Hoffmann Technische Universität München School of Computation, Information and Technology Department of Mathematics Boltzmannstraße 3 85748 Garching bei München Germany |
phone: | +49 (89) 289 - 18384 |
e-mail: | tim.hoffmann(at)ma.tum.de |
office: | MA 02.06.021 |